Weather summary for Wed. March 4, 2009 at LSC indicates the following high and low
Hi temp: 22.2F (-5.4C) at 13:55
Low temp: -11.7 F (-24.3C) at 06:10
Overnight temperatures were falling continuously (blue) before the low at 6:10 AM shortly before sunrise. This indicates a relatively clear night in which outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) was able to radiate into outer space without clouds interfering.
The sharp 30 degree rise in temperatures during the morning hours (red) indicates strong solar warming associated with clear skies and higher noontime solar angles.
Finally, temperatures in the early afternoon (green) are relatively constant in the lower 20's after about noon . Indeed, a slight dip in temperatures can be observed at around noon. The pressure trace shows a very slight dip (about 2 or 3 mb) in the pressure trace.
Comparison to temperature and pressure data shows a clear morning with light winds and a sudden appearance of snow over Burke Mountain around noon. This corresponds to pressure fall and constant afternoon temperature. Click here to retrieve larger image at webcam archive.
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